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Leadership Development for Deaf Team Members

Writer: Deaf UmbrellaDeaf Umbrella

Mainstream Industry

Ernest and Young, a leading accountancy firm in the UK, working in partnership with the Business Disability Forum are offering to seven promising deaf accountants a fully accessible leadership course. This is to run over 2 days and will give the lucky participants the chance to learn about commercial leadership skills as well as Ernest and Young as a company.

It is great to hear that a major employer in the UK is prepared to take the leap and engage directly with the Deaf Community in offering this partnership. The Deaf community suffer a chronic unemployment level and it is great to see that there are people out there ready and willing to help.

It is hoped that other employers will look at, and, indeed be inspired by this innovative and pioneering leap in the right direction. It would be great for the deaf community to know that their skills are wanted and more over needed in all areas of business.

Has this inspired you? Could your company offer a similar opportunity, even better – could you start your own pilot project? How do I find the people I hear you asking, well we are here, ready and waiting with deaf people willing to take part. We have all the expertise needed to help achieve your aims. Even better we offer all this at no charge, yep, zero cost, free. Is that not just the best thing in business? How? As a community interest company our services and support are completely complimentary.

This really is a win-win situation for you, when can we meet to talk about this further?

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