Throughout the year, the Victoria & Albert Museum provides different performances and most of them include British Sign Language Interpreting provided by Deaf Umbrella.
In this blog you will find all the adapted performances from now to the end of the year, but you don't have to remember the dates!! We will remind you for each activity on our social media pages.Follow us and you won't miss the information:
Tomorrow April begins and these are the two performances that you definitely shouldn't miss out on!
"Clara Button"
Click on the picture for more information
Testimonial: "It was nice to see a BSL interpreter even for children that are not deaf to be aware".
25.10.17 Rehearsal - October Half Term Opera
Click on the picture for more information
1.4.17 Performances - Clara Button
12.4.17 Rehearsal - Dance of Spring Easter
13.4.17 Performances - Dance of Spring Easter
31.5.17 Rehearsal - Pink Floyd May HT
1.6.17 Performances - Pink Floyd May HT
17.6.17 Rehearsal - Stone Soup Story
24.6.17 Performances - Stone Soup Story
1.7.17 Rehearsal - Chickenshed (Courtyard)
8.7.17 Performances - Chickenshed (Courtyard)
26.8.17 Rehearsals - Boxes of Dreams
2.9.17 Performances - Boxes of Dreams
7.10.17 Rehearsals - Diwali
14.10.17 Performances - Diwali
26.10.17 Performances - October Half Term Opera
2.12.17 Rehearsals - Christmas Musical
9.12.17 Performances - Christmas Musical
Come on! Enjoy a different plan and visit the V&A for a fun and creative day out for all the family.
Free activities are available every day. Find out more by clicking here:
Victoria and Albert Museum

Cromwell Road, London, SW7 2RL
+44 (0)20 7942 2000