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5 Mother's Day Poems; Say It In BSL!

Elisa Nuevo Vallin

It's that time of year again. Next 11th March is a very special day to recognise mums and give them that extra special bit of love that they deserve.


  • 46% of people in the UK send a Facebook or text message instead of a card!

  • A woman named Anna Jarvis was responsible for making the celebration a public holiday in the 1900's.

  • Mother’s Day in the UK has become one of the biggest consumer spending days in the yearly calendar, with retailers seeing an increasing amount of cash spent, particularly online – it has become big business.

  • During the 1600's in the UK it used to be called Mothering Sunday.

  • In nearly all countries and all languages, the word ‘mother’ or ‘mum’ begins with the letter ‘m’.

  • Taking into account all the cooking, cleaning, nursing and childcare (plus a dash of counselling and work as a personal organiser), housewives deserve an annual salary of £159,137.

At Deaf Umbrella we want to take a moment to wish each mum a Happy Mother’s Day and we have put together 5 beautiful Mother's Day Poems in BSL, perfect for sharing with mothers, grandmothers, family and friends.

Don't leave it until the last-minute, start practicing and put a smile on your mum’s face this weekend! :)

Click to watch the video:


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