Memory and attention are cognitive abilities and are responsible for the learning process. A study published in February 2018 and taken place amongst deaf students in Malaysia says that hearing aids and sign language contribute positively to these cognitive abilities.

The aim of this study was to examine the influence of demographic factors on cognitive ability (memory and attention) among deaf students.
These factors consist of:
hearing aid usage
parents’ hearing status
They collected data from 163 deaf students by using simple random sampling at five polytechnics in Malaysia.
To examine cognitive ability they utilised The Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) software.

Screen examples on CANTAB test - picture: CANTAB
The results revealed that:
no significant differences were found for memory and attention according to deaf gender
attention and memory differed according to hearing aid usage
deaf students with deaf parents score better results on memory and attention
So, hearing aids and sign language facilitate cognitive abilities (attention and memory) for deaf students, regardless of their gender.
The findings of this study will enable the educational authorities to direct these students in a way that best suits both the institution and student’s individual goals.
Rani, U. H. A., and Marzuki, N. A. (2018). Influence Of Demographic Factors On Memory And Attention (Cognitive Ability) Among Hearing-Impaired.
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