It's Christmas time and we have marked December as a turning point in our Employment Search Support Programme.
After many enquiries from DEAs and other JCP staff, we were delighted to reopen our Job Club a year ago. We can now reflect, look back and celebrate our achievements! We look forward to the New Year, when we hope for even bigger and better things!
We have all been working hard; clients by coming to the Job Club every Tuesday and Friday and making every effort to achieve their employment goals, our staff and volunteers by offering the best support, an empathic ear and a welcoming environment for our visitors.
Having said all of the above, we all deserve a short rest and CIC is therefore going on a CHRISTMAS BREAK from 12TH DECEMBER TO 7th JANUARY.
Our last Job Club day will be 11th of December, and we will come back after Christmas on the 8th of January, fully motivated, restored (with probably a few extra-pounds) and stronger than ever for 2019!
After the advertised break, please remember that you should book your appointment by contacting us:
Call on: 0333 700 7474
Or text us: 07786 965998
Our Job Club is specifically for Deaf/Hard of Hearing people who are looking for paid employment. We also want to call out to volunteers who want to join us in January. Candidates will support client activities working with Deaf Umbrella staff while improving their sign language. A minimum of Level 2 BSL is required.
Some of our current volunteers wanted to express their experiences of the programme:
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time volunteering at the job club. Staff at Deaf Umbrella are very welcoming and friendly and it has been a great experience to be a part of their team. Providing practical support for clients has been interesting and rewarding and has given me an opportunity to improve my BSL skills.” L.P.
“Volunteering with the Deaf Umbrella CIC has been a great way for me to put my BSL skills into practice and gain confidence communicating with BSL users. Having such a clear focus is really great as sometimes making ‘small talk’ at the Deaf pub or social can be really hard work. At the job club it feels like I’m able to genuinely help people while improving my signing at the same time - win win! Louise, Rachel and the whole team are also really friendly and welcoming which makes it a lovely place to volunteer.” Jenni E.
Don't miss out on our interactive Advent BSL Calendar we will launch tomorrow, the 5th of December, on our Instagram page.
Please be patient – remember to open just one day a time! :D
Join us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and don't miss our fully accessible Deaf Umbrella TV YouTube channel!!
Connect with us on LinkedIn now.

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