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Flu Jab? – Completely accessible information

Writer's picture: Elisa Nuevo VallínElisa Nuevo Vallín

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

The NHS ‘Help Us, Help You’, Stay Well This Winter campaign encourages you to stay well during the winter months by promoting self-care and getting the 'flu jab - particularly relevant to older and disabled people, people with long term conditions and their carers as they are at particular risk of winter illness.

They offer accessible information in different British Sign Language videos that we have put together below.

‘Flu is a highly infectious disease and can lead to serious complications.

Make sure you get a ‘flu vaccine, if you are:

  • over 65

  • pregnant

  • a child aged 2-10

  • have a long-term health condition

  • are a carer

If you have a long-term health condition like COPD, bronchitis, emphysema, diabetes, heart or kidney disease, or have suffered a stroke; cold weather can make health problems like these much worse.

It can help you stay well over the winter months!

➤ GET YOUR FREE 'FLU JAB: Click here

To find out more about how you can stay well this winter, you will find leaflets in easy read after the BSL videos ↓↓

Please remember that everyone has a role to play in keeping themselves healthy, and the NHS can provide the information and advice you need to stay well. We hope you can help communicate these important messages to people who might otherwise miss out.

Stay well this winter leaflet:

Keep warm leaflet:

Check your medicine cabinet leaflet:

Look out for other people leaflet:

5 things to remember leaflet:

Where to go for the right medical care leaflet:


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