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Are you going to allow "Blue Monday" to get you down?

Writer's picture: Elisa Nuevo VallínElisa Nuevo Vallín

Updated: Mar 18, 2020

Welcome to the most depressing day of the year, or that's what a press release confirms...

It's supposed that today, the third Monday of January, is "Blue Monday".

Now we have come back to routine after our Christmas Holidays, we may have had some family conflicts?, lack of exercise?, too much food and alcohol?, unfulfilled resolutions – already?!, we have spent more money that we can afford... GULP! Sound familiar?

Cliff Arnall, tutor at Cardiff University, maintains that there is a scientist formula to demonstrate this: (really?!)

where W=weather, D=debt, d=monthly salary, T=time since Christmas, Q=time since failing our new year’s resolutions, M=low motivational levels, and Na=the feeling of a need to take action.

Don't worry. There is no exam!

This formula soon gained popularity and a holiday company took the idea and used it to motivate people to travel on these days to fight the sadness and sell more tickets.


Whatever you do or not... avoid being dragged into a Blue Monday. Put all your efforts on making a perfect positive day;

  • call/text/facetime the person who makes you happy

  • do that hobby that you enjoy

  • relax or find the thing that entertains you the most

  • watch a good comedy film

  • dance

  • feel chic

  • smile, etc...

You have the ideas…. What's your plan for today? Whether or not it is said to be the most depressing day of the year, I'm going to put all my efforts on making it a GREAT MONDAY. (I'm going to cook my favourite recipe: Spanish omelette! Yummy! :D)

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