To be completely honest, at the beginning I didn't want to write a blog post about Covid-19. There is so much information out there, and we have reached overload! We are all concerned, tired, scared, and/or fed up of this information tsunami.
Finally I decided to create a blog post with some of the most visual and accessible information for you to have. I wanted to make it both easy to read and understand.
However, I am so angry now that I have decided to use this channel to have a rant and also give a warning to the entire world (well, at least to all our readers).
I'm Spanish and I'm very aware of the news and what is going on in Spain with the Coronavirus, and despite the tough measures that the Government has taken it will only get worst and worst due the lack of solidarity from the people.
All that is needed is good practice to stop the spread of the virus; there is no need for panic or over-reaction. It is entirely in all our (hopefully freshly washed) hands.
Anyone could be a carrier of the virus, and not even know it. You may be lucky enough to not have any symptoms, but you are not exempt from infecting the most vulnerable people.
It is frustrating to see how the things are sadly developing in your country (Spain) and you are far away and not able to do anything. You feel helpless.
With this channel I want to shake up all the UK citizens and encourage them not to follow the same path.
Please, take every precaution. Be sensible enough to avoid half marathons like last weekend in Bath.
OK, there is no rule that banned this event (yet), but I bet that you could be clever enough to apply your common sense and do the right thing.
Maximise the hygiene and protection.
Stay at home.
Avoid crowded places.
Work from home if possible.
Don't leave your children in the care of elderly relatives. Children are carriers of the virus and older people are the most vulnerable people.
Self-isolate during 7 days if you feel any of the symptoms.
The World is not going to end if your social life is affected during the next weeks.
Please, PLEASE. It is entirely in your hands. Be supportive. Be caring. Be a good human being.
Stop spreading the Coronavirus, before it's too late for somebody you love and care about.
My personal rant is over. However, please see below for the list of links that you can visit to have proper information about Coronavirus and how to deal with it that I put together for you. I hope it helps:
Basic information from the NHS website. Click HERE.
Wash your hands with soap and hot water.
Use a tissue for coughs and sneezes.
If you don't have a tissue use your sleeve.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
If you have cough, fever or breathing difficulties you should stay at home for 7 days.
Stay at least 3 steps away from other people in your home.
If your symptoms get worse or are no better after 7 days seek medical advice. In England go online to In other parts of the UK call 111. Do NOT go to a GP, pharmacy or hospital.
Accessible information. Fantastic BSL videos from SignHealth about making sure you keep yourself and others well. Play the videos here:
Why to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Watch how germs spread HERE.
Hand-washing technique with soap and water.
The importance of soap. Demo to show how soap breaks down the fat and the virus falls apart. Watch the video HERE.
For statistics and info graphics lovers. A visual guide to the pandemic. Click HERE.
Get help from NHS 111. To get help from NHS 111, you can:
go to (for people aged 5 and over only)
call 111
call 18001 111 on a textphone
use the NHS 111 British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter service if you’re deaf and want to use the phone service
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For those who have to be stuck in home quarantine:
Last but not least, we would like to mention a guy on Facebook. This is not an official page, but here you will find last information beautifully signed by a CODA. Click here to have a look to his videos: Kam Coda Deo.
We really hope that you will find all this information interesting. Please feel free to share :)