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Not ‘just’ the ‘flu - your help needed; Top tips and Q&A in a fully accessible

Writer: Deaf UmbrellaDeaf Umbrella

Flu Vaccination - Who should have it and why booklet
Flu Vaccination - "Who should have it and why" booklet

The NHS ‘flu campaign aims to drive uptake of the ‘flu vaccination in all eligible groups, particularly those most at risk.

With the ‘flu and COVID-19 both in circulation it is particularly important those who are eligible for the free ‘flu vaccine including people with long term health conditions, a learning disability or autism, those aged 65 and over, pregnant women and carers get vaccinated this year.

The ‘flu virus kills 11,000 people every year and it spreads from person to person, through droplets in the air and on hard surfaces. It is possible to have the infection without having any symptoms. The ‘flu vaccine is the best protection for you and those around you.

➤ Why is the 'flu vaccine so important this year?

COVID-19 is still circulating, and it is expected there will be co-circulation with ‘flu this season. In order to protect the NHS and social care services, it is important to minimise the number of people becoming unwell with ‘flu this winter, so it is more important than ever to have the ‘flu vaccination.

JUST GET YOUR FREE 'FLU JAB - Ask your pharmacist or GP if you're elegible

Flu - Easy read poster
Flu - Easy to read poster

➤ What are the first signs of 'flu and are they different to COVID-19?

'Flu symptoms come on very quickly and can include:

  • a sudden fever

  • a temperature of 38ºC (100.4ºF) or above

  • a dry, chesty cough

  • a headache

  • tiredness and weakness

  • chills

  • aching muscles

  • limb or joint paint

  • diarrhoea or abdominal pain

  • nausea and vomiting

  • a sore throat

  • a runny or blocked nose

  • sneezing

  • loss of appetite

  • difficulty sleeping

The symptoms are similar for children and adults, but children can also get pain in their ear and appear less active.

COVID-19 symptoms are: a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.

➤ Will wearing a mask protect you from 'flu?

Face coverings, social distancing and hand washing will help reduce the transmission of all respiratory viruses that are spread through coughing and sneezing like coronavirus (COVID-19) or the ‘flu.

➤ If you get 'flu, can you still get COVID-19?

Yes! Both these infections are caused by a different virus. So just because you get one, doesn’t mean you can’t get the other. There have been recorded cases of people getting both at the same time.

➤ How can you stop the spread of both viruses?

  • wash your hands frequently

  • cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze

  • use a face covering on public transport and in public places

  • throw tissues away in the bin

  • use hand sanitizer if you don’t have access to soap and water

Now you can find below all the accessible information in different British Sign Language videos:

  • The Flu vaccination – who should have it and why:

  • ‘Just’ the flu BSL version of the TV ad:

  • Stay Well This Winter – a more general BSL leaflet which as well as flu includes information about keeping well, Covid-19 and where to go for advice:

➤ Flu vaccination: easy-read flu vaccination resources:

Information for people with a learning disability - Easy read leaflet
Information for people with a learning disability - Easy to read leaflet

"Vaccination during a pandemic" Easy to read flyer
"Vaccination during a pandemic" Easy to read flyer




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