We are glad to announce to our BSL users that Bromley Jobcentre Plus (JCP) is one of the two pilot offices for Video Remote Interpreting (VRI).
VRI is a service which uses video communications to provide British Sign Language (BSL) interpreting services to the deaf/Hard of Hearing customers.
In this variation the customer and DWP colleagues can be in the same location or alternatively all parties are remote from each other.
As distinct to Video Relay Service (VRS) which is in-bound customer contact only, VRI capability is for DWP colleagues to pre-arrange outbound contact with customers.
The pilot is due to end on the 17th December, and the offer is likely to be extended beyond this date to deaf customers who need British Sign Language interpreters, but there are no guarantees this will happen so please book early.
Benefits of Using VRI
Provides an alternative to face-to-face interpreting.
Does not require travel costs for the interpreter and contributes to the Sustainability Agenda.
Offers access to a greater pool of interpreters (not limited by geographical location).
Ability to arrange/confirm interpreter booking within 48 hours rather than two weeks (Face-to-Face).
Reduces the need for customers to attend sites – flexible to reflect Covid-19 restrictions.
The service provides a 3-way video link between an interpreter, the customer and their WC. Customers can either join remotely via their PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet or be onsite with their WC who can join the interpreter via a video link.
