Support for Employers
Do you want to hire a deaf person? Don’t let the communication barrier stops you!
Contact us. We’ll solve your communication needs, and it’s FREE to you!
Have a look to the wide range of British Sign Language (BSL) services that we offer you.
Full Deaf Awareness Training for your staff included.

So what do we do
We support the employer to put the necessary processes in place to ensure their recruitment is inclusive and accessible to deaf people.
Support them to interview and ensure equal opportunity to deaf talent, support them with Access to Work (AtW) applications to ensure funding is in place to support the employee with interpreting needs, Deaf Awareness team training and BSL taster courses.
We support the employer to understand the employee induction and training needs.
Look at the selection of deaf people actively looking for a job from our job club:
Case Study 1:
Trevor applied to a large supermarket chain to work in accounts. The employer was unsure what they needed to support Trevor at interview. We helped the employer to review their application procedures to ensure there was an opportunity for other deaf or disabled people to ask for the support they needed at interview. Our experience staff support the employer to look at the acceptance of diversity, and understanding of how to meet peoples support needs. We then advised the employer to ask the deaf person which service they required for the interview; each person has individual needs and requirements. We ensured the employer booked the required service and advised them on the interview process to ensure it flowed with ease for all concerned. The employer was then keen to understand and ensure correct procedures to support Trevor through induction and onboarding. This then led the employer to review their future supervision procedures and training which helped support Trevor’s needs. Our service is free; we encourage any employer to ask us questions and use us.
Case Study 2:
Julie has been working with a large DIY store for 10 years, she is very happy in her work and has an excellent team around her. Julie has a change of manager and the new manager wants to know more about how Julie copes on the shop floor, and why she has spent so long in the warehouse and not customer facing. The manager struggles to communicate with Julie face to face and wonders why an interpreter is not provided. Julie has never had an interpreter provided for her employment, she has coped using pen and paper or text messages when needed all these years. The manager speaks to us and we support them to set up Access to Work funding so that an interpreter can be provided going forward. Julie is excited by the changes and we work with her to find out what has been working for her and where she has struggled. This way we can all work together to improve the working environment. Deaf Awareness training is provided for the team, this is so well received the manager books a British Sign Language (BSL) taster course for the team. Julie gains interpreter support for her identified daily needs, team meetings, training and supervision. Within a few months Julie is offered a promotion, something she had been overlooked for for years. Communication is key, support is available and free to the employer and employee.
Potential candidates:
Mr. P. – Mitcham – Looking for painting and decorating – 25 years experience
Mr. B. – Kilburn – Delivery Driver – 9 years experience
Mr. H. – Bromley – Electrician – just finished College
Mrs. L. – Greenwich – Cleaner – 5 years experience
Mr. J. - Kensington – Looking for an admin roll – 20 years experience
Mr. A. – Bromley – Wants a nursery childcare apprenticeship – 3 years work experience
Mrs. J. - School Teacher assistant, administration, or supermarket
Mr. P. - London - Part time Specialist Outreach Worker
Mr. C. – Bexley – Wants retail work – no experience
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